Episodes 4 and 5 of the Advanced LIGO Documentary Project have been released

Episodes 4 and 5 of the multi-part Advanced LIGO Documentary Project are now online. The 2 episodes are dedicated to the history of LIGO -- from early years of gravitational-wave science through to the creation and launch of LIGO's first phase, Initial LIGO in 2002 (Episode 4, "Inventing LIGO") to Advanced LIGO -- the technology and instrumentation of LIGO's second phase, which was the culmination of decades-long research, and which lead, even before it was fully online, to LIGO's historic discovery of gravitational waves (Episode 5, "Advanced LIGO").

Watch below:

EPISODE 4 - LIGO: A DISCOVERY THAT SHOOK THE WORLD from aLIGO Documentary Project on Vimeo.

EPISODE 5 - LIGO: A DISCOVERY THAT SHOOK THE WORLD from aLIGO Documentary Project on Vimeo.

Videos courtesy of Les Guthman / aLIGO Documentary Project

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