LIGO MIT's David Shoemaker Elected the LSC Spokesperson

Read Press release by MIT

On March 29, David H. Shoemaker, MIT LIGO's Senior research scientist and the Head of the Advanced LIGO Project, has taken up the leadership role of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). Shoemaker has been involved in the LSC since its inception, both as a scientist and as a manager. Since the 1990's, Shoemaker served as the head of the LIGO MIT group, which jointly with Caltech operates the two LIGO observatories. In 2001-2016, Shoemaker served as the group's Director. He is the Leader of the Advanced LIGO Project.

Congratulations to David from all of us at the LIGO Lab!

Image credit: Bryce Vickmark/MIT

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